

   Posted by: admin   in Mẹo vặt của hiếu râu

build the Dockerfile with :

docker build -f Dockerfile ./
docker login
docker tag c2740dd0aeea hieuvpn/lap:5
docker push hieuvpn/lap:5
docker run -ti -p 80:80 –rm c2740dd0aeea


FROM jdeathe/centos-ssh
RUN yum -y install httpd php mod_php
COPY ./index.php /var/www/html/index.php
RUN touch /var/www/html/counter
RUN chmod 666 /var/www/html/counter
RUN echo "KeepAlive Off" >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
RUN mkdir -p /_100MB/test/counter
RUN chmod 777 /_100MB/test/counter
CMD ["sh","-c","/usr/sbin/httpd ; sleep 5; tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log"]


<?php $refresh=$_GET['refresh']?$_GET['refresh']:2; ?>
 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<?php echo $refresh; ?>">
$ip = explode('.',$_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]);
echo "<div style=\"width: 20%; background-color:#".dechex($ip[1]%16*16*256*256+$ip[2]%16*16*256+$ip[3]%8*32)."\">";
echo ($ip[1] % 16 * 16)." ".($ip[2]%16*16)." ".($ip[3]%8*32)."<BR>";
echo "</div>";

echo "<H3> server IP = ". $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]." hostname: ".getenv("HOSTNAME");
echo "<H3> remote IP = ". $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
echo "<HR>".date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$i = file_get_contents("./counter");
$i = $i * 1;
echo "<HR>Counter: $i <HR>";
exec('for i in `ls /_100MB/test/counter/`; do echo -n $i" : "; cat /_100MB/test/counter/$i; echo ; done;',$out);
echo implode("<BR>",$out);
if ($_GET['info']) phpinfo();

This entry was posted on Friday, February 3rd, 2023 at 6:08 am and is filed under Mẹo vặt của hiếu râu. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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